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Outage information of Jinxiang power supply company in March!

Posttime:2017-03-02   Visits:301
核心tips:Dear electricity customer: Hello! The following is the 2017 March power failure line announcement. Please arrange the work and life of the customers. Our company has brought you the power failure
 Dear power customers:
Hello! The following is the 2017 March power failure line announcement. Please arrange the work and life of the customers. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the interruption, and thank you for your understanding and support!
This information does not include temporary maintenance or power failure.
March 24th 08:00-18:00
Power line: 10kV South bean line
Power failure area: full line
Affected customer:
Chou Gang Cun, Dou Wan Cun, suburban chicken factory, suburban school, bean cold storage, cold storage, Shoufeng Li Shukun Zhao Zhishun Zhou Guangsheng Dou Laishun, cold storage, cold storage and processing factory, Zhang Farong woven bag factory, west ring road lamp, halal MaoYuan refrigeratory, Jinxiang County Yulong plastic products Co., Ltd. and Jinxiang County, Liu Zhuang Henry de tile tap water Ma Shouzhen Dou Shoufeng, plastic factory, processing factory, Chuan Hua bean processing factory, cold storage, Liu Wandong Jinxiang Huatao Trading Co., Ltd. Cao Yonggang Hu Baoyu cold storage, cold storage, Hao double tap water, cold storage, Li Shijie Chen Guijun plastic factory, Jinxiang Zhongxin trading company, Wuhan Xianping food factory, Jinxiang County town of bay village fish sinus Jinxiang County Committee, third middle school, Yuan Huimin Liu Guangbin plastic factory, processing factory, Fu Ze source business hotel.
March 24th 08:00-18:00
Power line: 10kV South bean line
Power failure area: full line
Affected customer:
Chou Gang Cun, Dou Wan Cun, suburban chicken factory, suburban school, bean cold storage, cold storage, Shoufeng Li Shukun Zhao Zhishun Zhou Guangsheng Dou Laishun, cold storage, cold storage and processing factory, Zhang Farong woven bag factory, west ring road lamp, halal MaoYuan refrigeratory, Jinxiang County Yulong plastic products Co., Ltd. and Jinxiang County, Liu Zhuang Henry de tile tap water Ma Shouzhen Dou Shoufeng, plastic factory, processing factory, Chuan Hua bean processing factory, cold storage, Liu Wandong Jinxiang Huatao Trading Co., Ltd. Cao Yonggang Hu Baoyu cold storage, cold storage, Hao double tap water, cold storage, Li Shijie Chen Guijun plastic factory, Jinxiang Zhongxin trading company, Wuhan Xianping food factory, Jinxiang County town of bay village fish sinus Jinxiang County Committee, third middle school, Yuan Huimin Liu Guangbin plastic factory, processing factory, Fu Ze source business hotel.
March 24th 08:00-18:00
Power line: 10kV Taoyuan line
Power failure area: full line
Affected customer:
Chen Village, Wang Village, Zhang Zhuang, Huo village, Zhang an Lou Cun, Bi an Lou Cun Wang Zhuang Cun, Niuwang temple, the village, Li Xiao Lou Cun, Ren Lou Cun Ge Zhuang Cun, Li Dengfeng, Zhang F, agricultural irrigation, cold storage, cold storage, cold storage, Zhang Qingmin Liu Jing, Zhou Zhongxiao Li Zhaochi, Xinghua cold cold cold storage freezer, Wang Zhuang Jiao Shibiao, Hu Zhihong, Zhang Bo, cold storage, cold storage plant, oil mill, Wang Ruojie electric limited liability company, mobile food Rongxin farmers limited liability company, Ltd., Fonda fruit and vegetable oil and natural gas, the East Branch of Jinxiang Cotton Industry Co. Ltd., Hengxiang Agricultural Trade Co., Ltd., Hualong farmers, Yinli decorative design engineering limited liability company Lu Feng, agricultural trade Co., Ltd., farmers, Yinli sunshine cotton industry limited company, Hongda Cotton Industry Co. Ltd., Xin Chengmian industry Limited Our gold, fruit and Vegetable Food Co. Ltd., Philippines runkang Rong trading company, platinum hung trading company, Huo ancient trading company, Jinxiang mobile company, Shengyuan fruit and Vegetable Food Co. Ltd, enriching farmers limited liability company, Bo Hong trading company, Hongda Cotton Industry Company Limited, Jinxiang Zhen Liang Heng slag Distribution Department silver, cotton trading company, Huashun trading company, Huang Yue comprehensive service center gas station, Chen farmstead water irrigation, agricultural irrigation, agricultural water Liu Zhuang Xin water irrigation, irrigation, water Wang Zhuangnong water irrigation, Huo Gunong tower Limited by Share Ltd, China Mobile company, Wang Xianping electric factory, agricultural irrigation, chicken with chicken in nursing home Wen Shuhua, bath center, shop South Guizhou family Co. Ltd., District, Li Jianlei cotton processing factory, Yinli cotton company, cold storage, Zhang Zhongkun gauge station Xinzhuang, cold storage, large agricultural companies, hee Yun Tai garlic industry company, serwin agricultural company, Tiancheng funeral hall, Furuide garlic industry company, Yi Cheng International refrigeratory, wo run textile Co., Ltd., Liu Lu Yixing farmers cold storage, cold storage, cold storage, Liu Wanguan Dou Fuquan, Jiao Shifang, Sheng Ao cold cold bright glass Co. ltd..
March 24th 08:00-18:00
Power outage line: 10kV Huo Gu line
Power failure area: full line
Affected customer:
Gu Lu Gou Cun, Guo Loucun, Taoyuan Village, Su building cold storage, cold storage, omnitec company, Juyuan south of cold storage, cold storage, cold storage, development of Tian Baoli the Great Wall processing factory, the southern suburbs of cold storage, cold storage, cold storage, Zhang Chengwen Gao Lei and Fan Xuewei Zhou Jifeng the king with cold storage, cold storage, cold storage, cold storage, cold storage, Lian Hua Yin Zhendong Zhang Xi Ling cold China Mobile, Taoyuan Village, agricultural irrigation, agricultural water an Lou Cun Gu Chen Cun, agricultural water, agricultural water Li Juntang Ge Zhuang Cun, cold storage, a large cotton company, cold storage, cold storage, mart Jia Xiuwu Jia Tongwei refrigeratory, Xiang Sheng agricultural company, Malone Kai Industrial Co., Ltd. cold storage, cold storage, Zhang Fuyuan Jinxiang County Radio and television Taiwan, Jinxiang county tuberculosis hospital, Chinese Unicom, Jinma Machinery manufacturing plant, cold storage, cold storage of Li Junyou Hu Liyi.
March 25th 08:30-16:30
Power line: 10kV line, Peng Peng PI line (the same tower).
The blackout area: Peng, Peng PI line line line.
Affected customer:
Peng Pixian: reed Garden Village, East Village, Su Yang Zhuang Cun, Xi Wang Lou Cun Wu Gang Cun, Liu Zhuang, Sun Village, village, village, village, Zhang Bi Zhuang Yang Lou Cun, Pizhuang Wang Village, Yan Qiao Cun, Li Miao Cun, Gecun, Su Li, Gu Lou Cun Yu Zhuang Cun, Yang village, West Village, Yang Jinhui cotton industry company, gold water, Ivan Garlic Industry Co., Ltd., the farmers super Xin Sheng insulation materials factory, Qisheng Electrical Co. Ltd., Wang Pi hospital, Huasheng color printing carton factory, Huasheng Packing Products Co. Ltd., China Unicom, Mobile Corporation, Wang Pi Wang Pi in the Wei Refrigeration Co. Secretary Wang Pi, carton plant, cold storage, cold storage, industrial new moon in the village of cold storage, cold storage, Yuan Cungang Yang Lengku, Wang Dapeng native stone factory, refrigeratory, fan Chen fertilizer factory, Venus plastic weaving factory, vacuum casting factory, Jinxiang County occupation technical secondary school. Peng post line: Kasen District, the Water Conservancy Bureau family member courtyard, Jiang Kaitian, Tuo abundant company, East Changxin, Zhou Guanghan, Du Changhai, Broadcasting Bureau, Chengsen company, company, high technology, land, water, following the super Hu Xiuqin Jingui agricultural company, Venus plastic weaving factory, Jinxiang County occupation technical secondary school.
March 25th 08:00-18:30
Power line: 10kV South East Ring Road
Power failure area: full line
Affected customer:
One village, Chen Village, Huang Village, Hou Village, village, village, Gu Lu Wei Lian Zhuang Cun, the Water Conservancy Bureau, District Secretary, District, high gold Yao Cun Nan Dian Zi Cun, Nan Dian Zi Wei Zhuang, cold temperature storage, okay thermostatic storehouse, Jinxiang County Huacheng Garlic Industry Co. Ltd. and Jinxiang County following super Agricultural Trade Co. Ltd., Jinxiang Fu Qing County farmers limited liability company, limited liability company, Lu Jun Zhen Huang Zhuang, Jinxiang County, the township of cold storage, Du Fu County hospital family hospital, find wide around the refrigerator, a temperature storage, cold storage, cold storage Houjun Yan Wang Lianhua, Qingnian Road street, Zhang Lian, Xiang Hou Zhuang agricultural cold storage irrigation, Xu Yiming temperature storage, Nan Dian Zi Runfeng cold storage, cold storage, Song Lei Shandong Jinxiang Chengqiang fruit and vegetable products limited, tap water pressure station in Jinxiang County, Jin Yu Home Furnishing Co. Ltd., cold storage, cold storage, Jinxiang Jiao Baohua Zhou Zhenjian Xinxin plastic products factory, cold storage, cold storage, Jia Xiuwu Zhang Sishuo Zhou Xuefeng, cold storage, cold storage, double village a high temperature storage, cold storage, cold storage, Su Wendong construction of Jining Sheng'ao Industry Co. Ltd., Li Yingchun flower market, Chengqiang fruit and vegetable company, Kasen agricultural market, gas station, gas station.
March 26th, 27, 28, and 29 07:30-18:30
Power line: 10kV South East Ring Road
Power failure area: full line
Affected customer:
One village, Chen Village, Huang Village, Hou Village, village, village, Gu Lu Wei Lian Zhuang Cun, the Water Conservancy Bureau, District Secretary, District, high gold Yao Cun Nan Dian Zi Cun, Nan Dian Zi Wei Zhuang, cold temperature storage, okay thermostatic storehouse, Jinxiang County Huacheng Garlic Industry Co. Ltd. and Jinxiang County following super Agricultural Trade Co. Ltd., Jinxiang Fu Qing County farmers limited liability company, limited liability company, Lu Jun Zhen Huang Zhuang, Jinxiang County, the township of cold storage, Du Fu County hospital family hospital, find wide around the refrigerator, a temperature storage, cold storage, cold storage Houjun Yan Wang Lianhua, Qingnian Road street, Zhang Lian, Xiang Hou Zhuang agricultural cold storage irrigation, Xu Yiming temperature storage, Nan Dian Zi Runfeng cold storage, cold storage, Song Lei Shandong Jinxiang Chengqiang fruit and vegetable products limited, tap water pressure station in Jinxiang County, Jin Yu Home Furnishing Co. Ltd., cold storage, cold storage, Jinxiang Jiao Baohua Zhou Zhenjian Xinxin plastic products factory, cold storage, cold storage, Jia Xiuwu Zhang Sishuo Zhou Xuefeng, cold storage, cold storage, double village a high temperature storage, cold storage, cold storage, Su Wendong construction of Jining Sheng'ao Industry Co. Ltd., Li Yingchun flower market, Chengqiang fruit and vegetable company, Kasen agricultural market, gas station, gas station.
March 28th 08:00-18:30
Power line: 10kV chicken white line
Power failure area: full line
Affected customer:
Su Village, Yang village, village, single, Chu Hai Cun Li Lou Cun, Zhao village, Yan village, village, Zhao Yang Kong Lou Ma Zhuang Cun Hou Lou Cun, Qian Yan, Zhang village, village, hospital, Kwu Tung chicken millet millet chicken Mobile Corporation, cold storage, cold storage, Sun Lianqi Zhang Yongsheng Dan Yanlei, Su Loumian company, chicken factory Su Qinyuan Liu Haiya of Yongsheng cold storage, cold storage, wood company, Liu Hailin company, Xu Detao company concrete concrete.
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